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Developmental-behavioral pediatricians evaluate, counsel, and
provide treatment for children, adolescents, and their families with a
wide range of developmental and behavioral diffi culties, including
• Learning disorders including dyslexia, writing diffi culties, math disorders,
and other school-related learning problems
• Attention and behavioral disorders including attention-defi cit/hyperactivity
disorder and associated conditions including oppositional-defi ant behavior,
conduct problems, depression, and anxiety disorders
• Tics, Tourette syndrome, and other habit disorders
• Regulatory disorders including sleep disorders, feeding problems,
discipline diffi culties, complicated toilet-training issues, enuresis
(bedwetting), and encopresis (soiling)
• Developmental disabilities including cerebral palsy, spina bifi da,
mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, and visual and
hearing impairments
• Delayed development in speech, language, motor skills, and
thinking ability
• Behavioral and developmental problems complicating the full range
of pediatric chronic illnesses and disabling conditions (for example,
genetic disorders, epilepsy, prematurity, diabetes, asthma, cancer)