Behavioral and Analytical Approaches

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What is the difference between a behavioral and analytical approach?

Behavioral and Analytical Approaches

Basically, we can look at an individual who works in the field of autism as behavioral or analytical. The behavioral approach is suitable for a therapist who prefers to jump right into discrete trials and Applied Behavior Analysis. The behavioral approach is useful in setting a tone and laying down the rules. The child grasps the concrete, concise prompts and visual nature of the program. Play activities are used as rewards for desired behavior. Starting with a behavioral approach is a common practice for many interventions. However, those who are more analytical in nature may want to use another approach. Many therapists like to observe the child and gradually work their way into his environment. RDI and Greenspan's floortime are great approaches for the therapist who wants to make a personal connection and build trust before introducing behavior-based therapies. The approach you choose will depend on your personality and the way that you interact with children.



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