Dealing with Extreme Non-Negotiable Behavior

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What is non-negotiable behavior?

Dealing with Extreme Non-Negotiable Behavior

Some behaviors should not be ignored. Any extreme, violent behaviors are non-negotiable. Non-negotiable behaviors include any action that may cause self injury or injury to others as well as behaviors that may cause damage to property. Planned ignoring and redirection do not adequately address these extreme negative behaviors, but there are interventions that can be used in their place. There has to be an immediate and meaningful consequence to the non-negotiable behavior. The treatment plan will include a crisis management section that is designed to address non-negotiable behavior. Common interventions include relocating the individual as well as your self to a new location. Move all items out of the child's reach. Sometimes the presence of the person who is not the target of the non-negotiable behavior will immediately calm the autistic person.



12/7/2011 10:56:43 AM
bobbie stozicki said:

my 24 year old during a meltdown will attack anyone that she can reach.i need help!but not any near.


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