Future Reading

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Are there books about autism in the classroom?

Future Reading

The article "Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew" by Ellen Notbohm is a beautifully written exploration of the autistic child's point of view. The article addresses the way a child with autism experiences some situations including sensory overload and difficulty with navigating through social situations. The perspective is valuable in understanding the importance of concrete, concise language as well as the troubles the child with autism has with auditory processing. The piece also addresses tantrums and the importance of trying to determine the antecedent to the behavior as well as taking preventative steps to avoid them in the future. Ellen Notbohm's book Ten Things Your Student With Autism Wishes You Knew was released in September 2006 and it is a must-read for any teacher who has a child with autism in his class. The text is also very valuable for caretakers and therapists as well.



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