PECS: Picture Exchange Communication System

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Can PECS be used effectively in the community setting?

PECS: Picture Exchange Communication System

The Picture Exchange Communication System is the core of most visual schedules. The images are printed on laminated cards that are 2" by 2" or 1" by 1" and are attached to the schedule with Velcro. This makes placing and removing the images quick and easy. Once a task is completed the PEC is put into a "done" envelop in most cases. While the PECS approach is used to help make smooth transitions, facilitate communication and build expectations, it can also be helpful in calming and organizing behavior as well. When the child with autism knows what to expect and he is able to communicate a little better he feels less stress and frustration. However, the unexpected often occurs that can really through things off. Using certain PECS can help the individual with autism calm and organize his behavior in the community setting. PECS that can be used include: Quiet Quiet hands Okay Good Job Wait These images are used in the home, school and therapy settings and they are strongly tied to dealing with anxious moments and unexpected events. One of the most effective is the "Okay" PEC that lets the child know that everything is fine.



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