Discrete Trial

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What is discrete trial?

Discrete Trial

One of the most popular components in applied behavioral analysis is discrete trial. This treatment for autism uses cause-and-effect learning as well as scaffolding. Tasks are broken down into their most fundamental elements. The child is introduced to each element from easiest to complex throughout a progression of drills. The program uses a lot of repetition. The student has two independent chances to make a correct response. If he is unable to give the desired response, the therapist prompts him and repeats the command. The student learns that there is a definite routine that has an identifiable beginning, middle and end through the discrete trial drills. Discrete trial also uses consistent rewards for each and every desired response that the autistic individual provides. Positive reinforcement is very important in the process. It helps the student understand when he has given a correct response. This treatment for autism focuses on the positive and negates undesired behavior. Since discrete trial keeps the child focused on a small amount of information during each drill, it is ideal for autism therapy. The student can pay attention to the specific command. He develops an understanding that he is supposed to give a response and he learns that there are consequences for that response.



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