Sensory Issues

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What are sensory issues?

Sensory Issues

Everyone has some sensory issues. Some people dislike a certain fabric or the well-known sound of fingernails running down a chalkboard. People with autism have sensitive sensory systems in many cases. No two individuals are exactly alike. Some individuals with autism may love the feeling of water while others can't stand to even listen to the sound of water filtering into a bathtub. The sensory issues pose a challenge for everyday activities like grooming and meal time. Many people with autism have sensory issues that make some food textures intolerable and brushing teeth unthinkable.



11/12/2007 5:09:58 PM
Dawn said:

I am dealing with some hypersensitivity with the ears... can anybody tell me maybe some tips to work with that... like certain music or supplements that maybe would be good for that? Thank you..


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